Why does the Anglophone Indian want to be a Novelist?

The editorial speculates on the sociological causes for the boom in English fiction writing in India today.

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Two letters responding to the editorial 'The Nation and the Liberal Polemicist' in Phalanx 3 and a reply from the editor.

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How Indian TV Channels Pitched the 2009 elections to their audiences

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by Vishal Bhardwaj

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Inglourious Basterds
by Quentin Tarantino Read |

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Editorial Board

Advisory Board
Editorial Board:

M K Raghavendra (Founder and Chief Editor)

M K Raghavendra is a film scholar, researcher, and cultural critic, with a deep interest in politics. He has authored several academic volumes: Seduced by the Familiar: Narration and Meaning in Indian Popular Cinema (Oxford University Press, 2008), Bipolar Identity: Region, Nation and the Kannada Language Film (Oxford University Press, 2011), The Politics of Hindi Cinema the New Millennium (Oxford University Press, 2014), Locating World Cinema: Interpretations of Film as Culture (Bloomsbury, 2020) and Philosophical Issues in Indian Cinema: Approximate Terms and Concepts (Routledge, 2020). He is also the author of 50 Indian Film Classics (Collins, 2009), Director's Cut: 50 Major Film-makers of the Modern Era (Collins, 2013), and Oxford India Short Introductions: Bollywood (2016). He has also edited an anthology Beyond Bollywood: The Cinemas of South India (HarperCollins, 2017). A book on politics The Hindu Nation: A Reconciliation with Modernity was published by Bloomsbury in 2021. Another academic book, this time of literary criticism, The Writing of the Nation by its Elite: The Politics of Anglophone Indian Literature in the Global Age, was also published by Routledge in 2021.

Usha K R (Editor- Fiction)
Usha K R is a writer and an editor. Her short story 'Sepia Tones' won the Katha Award for Creative Fiction in 1995. Her first novel Sojourn (1998, Manas) was followed by The Chosen (Penguin India, 2003), A Girl and a River (Penguin India, 2007), which received the 2008 Vodafone-Crossword Award for best novel in English, Monkey Man (Penguin 2012) which was shortlisted for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature, 2012, and Boys from Good Families (Speaking Tiger, 2019). She is also Managing Editor of IIMB Management Review, a management journal brought out on behalf of the Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru.

Abhishek Chatterjee (Managing Editor -Academic)
Abhishek Chatterjee is program head of Literature and Cultural Studies at the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, RV University, Bangalore. He holds an MA and PhD from English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad. His research has featured in publications such as Critical Quarterly, UK, and Berghahn Books, New York. His current research interests lie in the intersections of cultural studies, film theory, psychoanalysis, and literature. Before his academic career, Dr. Chatterjee was a journalist with The New Indian Express, and studied at the Asian College of Journalism (ACJ), Chennai.
Contributing Editors:
 Hans Varghese Mathews

Hans Varghese Mathews read philosophy as an undergraduate, studying logic and aesthetics, and then obtained his doctorate in mathematics, studying algebraic topology. He devises mathematical models for a living, and thinks about the nature of visual meaning otherwise.

Sharadini Rath

Sharadini Rath, who has a Ph.D. in physics, is presently pursuing research interests in poverty, decentralization and related development issues.

S Sridhar

S Sridhar is a physicist who has worked on dynamical problems in astronomy. He is also interested in narration in its various forms.

Sathya Prakash Elavarthi

Sathya Prakash Elavarthi teaches Documentary Theory, Film Theory & Criticism and Media Economics & Management to Masters students in communication. His research interests include Political Economy of Media, Media History, Print Cultures, Film Studies and Digital Cultures. He has guided several doctoral students actively working in these areas. He is a Fulbright- Nehru fellow 2021-22. He has a Masters in Communication from University of Hyderabad (1998) and a PhD from Osmania University (2005). He has worked for a few years in reputed television news organisations before joining as faculty at the Department of communication, where he has been teaching for the past 19 years. As a Fulbright fellow he taught for a semester at the School of Communication, University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA (Jan-June, 2022). He co-authored (with Sunitha Chitrapu), Media Economics and Management (a text book), through Routledge India in 2022 and Co-Edited (with Sowmya Dechamma), Cinemas of South India – Culture,Resistance and Ideology, OUP India, September, 2010. Besides these books, he has published several book chapters and journal articles.
Advisory Board:

Ashis Nandy

Ashis Nandy began his career as a clinical psychologist and sociologist and, in the last three decades has traveled through some of the most unfamiliar territories of social knowledge, such as future studies, post-development visions, cultural alternatives, and the politics of knowledge. He has also participated in various human rights initiatives. He is one of India’s most influential thinkers.

Mike H Pandey

Mike Pandey is a filmmaker and conservationist. He trained at the London Film School and Regent Street Polytechnic in the UK and worked at Universal and MGM studios in the US. After returning to India he worked briefly in the Indian film industry in Bombay before he switched to making documentaries, mainly on wildlife or ecology issues. In 1994, he became the first Asian to win the Green Oscar, for his film The Last Migration. In 2000, his film Shores of Silence — Whale Sharks in India, won the Green Oscar for the second time. The film also led to the ban on the killing of whale sharks on Indian shores.

Vinod Vyasulu

Vinod Vyasulu is a developmental economist and started his teaching and research career at the IIM Bangalore. He has taught at the XLRI Jamshedpur and was the RBI Chair Professor of Development at the ISEC Bangalore for over five years. He was briefly the Director of the Institute of Public Enterprises, Hyderabad before starting the Development Research Foundation at TIDE Bangalore in 1995. He has worked with the UNDP, the World Bank and other agencies in a number of developmental projects. At present he heads The Centre for Budget and policy Studies, Bangalore.

Nivedita Menon

Nivedita Menon teaches Political Science in Delhi University. She is the author of "Recovering Subversion. Feminist Politics beyond the Law" and has recently edited a volume titled "Sexualities." She has been active in non-partisan citizens' initiatives in Delhi, broadly around democratic rights.

Makarand R. Paranjape

Makarand R. Paranjape is Professor and currently Chairperson, Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His recent monographs include The Death and Afterlife of Mahatma Gandhi, Altered Destinations: Self, Society, and Nation in India, and Another Canon: Indian Texts and Traditions in English. He has also published two novels, Body Offering and The Narrator, a collection of short stories, five volumes of poetry, and an autobiographical travelogue, Acts of Faith: Journeys to Sacred India

Jihad Touma

Jihad Touma is a physicist working at the American University of Beirut. While his interest in Physics is very broad and includes the movement of mosquito swarms, he has worked extensively in the field of planetary Physics. He also writes fiction and verse in Arabic and experiments in photography and the video medium. |
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