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Editorial Issue 2 May 2008

Letter to Editor Issue 2 May 2008

Open Page Issue 2 May 2008

Review Issue 2 May 2008

Coffee as a Global Commodity

Coffee is a key Indian export and the real price of the coffee bean is apparently at half its level in 1900. This essay examines how, excepting for oil, the real prices of primary products (coffee, rubber, sugar etc) are declining while the prices of manufactured goods have been going up in the last century and what this imbalance means in trade relationships globally.

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A Study of the Finances of Karnataka after 2000

Although it is not enough to know where public money has been spent and one must also know how, budget analysis is still a useful tool to study the economic priorities of the government. If Karnataka is a good example of how fiscal performance has been improved through 'political will', a study of its budgets also provides an illustration of how this may have achieved at the expense of fulfilling its developmental obligations.

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The Choices Involved in the Nuclear Deal

Most people deem it true that going nuclear is the only way out of energy shortages. This paper argues that this is not a possibility largely because India's Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has not demonstrated its capability to provide nuclear energy at a viable cost.

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Pluto: A Human Comedy

It would appear self-evident that human beings cannot decide upon the fate of celestial bodies. Still, in 2006, scientists voted on whether Pluto was a planet. This essay tells us how this could happen.

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In Search of A Family Doctor

Among other things, this essay takes a close look at medical practice today, touching upon developments like specialists, super-specialists and corporate hospitals about which patients have mixed feelings.

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Things Fall Apart: The Cinematic Rendition of the Agrarian Landscape in Kerala

The author examines the agrarian landscape in Kerala since the fifties and how political/ social issues find representation in literature and cinema, largely in the work of MT Vasudevan Nair, writer and filmmaker and one of Kerala's most important cultural figures today.

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uses and ab uses: Baudrillard, simulacra and America

A year after Jean Baudrillard's death, many of his formulations appear as controversial as ever. On the one hand are those who have tried to make social theories out of his writing and on the other is Alan Sokal who includes Baudrillard's work among his 'Intellectual Impostures'. This essay reflects on one of Baudrillard's key essays The Precession of Simulacra and its conjectures about postmodern America. Baudrillard famously said "Disneyland exists in order to hide that it is the 'real' country and all of 'real' America that is Disneyland."

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A Novelist on 'Writing the Self'

The first issue of Phalanx included a discussion between two Indian poets in English. We continue the policy of allowing creative writers to express themselves discursively in this reflection on autobiographies and autobiographical fiction by a well-known Hindi novelist.

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